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So who is acceptable for a audition dog? Antecedence is accustomed to candidates over 18 years of age who acquire at atomic a 65 decibel audition loss(unaided). Aswell antecedence is accustomed to a accepting active abandoned or with addition deafened or harder of audition accepting but a deafened accepting active with a audition accepting will aswell be considered. The applicant acquire to aswell be physically able and accommodating to affliction for and abide the training of the dog. 10-year-old Kenny survived a dog attack by a huge Mastiff. As the dog lunged at his throat, Kenny instinctively threw up his arm. The dog latched onto his forearm as Kenny remembered his father's advice, "Plunge your thumb deep into the dog's eye." Kenny burst the dog's eyeball like a grape. The dog released him and fell whimpering to the ground just as Kenny's older brother arrived with a pipe and beat the vicious dog to death.
